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Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Living, Learning, Growing in Jesus

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Happy Harrow

We are very proud to be a Happy Harrow School!


Please follow the link below for more information on the Art of Brilliance programme and how we are working towards becoming an Outstandingly Happy School:

Outstandingly Happy School - Art of Brilliance



This web-page has been created by our Y5 Positivity Ambassadors

Meet our positivity ambassadors:

We have been doing lots of work as a year group to support in having a positive mindset and understanding how to important it is to look after our mental health...


Our Positive Mascot

Created by William and Julia - Positivity Ambassadors


How to be positive....

Positivity Checklist by Rosa-Mai - Positivity Ambassador


Sausage Machine


Claire- Positivity Ambassador 


In year 5 we have been learning about the sausage machine of feelings. It is like your brain is a sausage machine, but instead of making sausages this sausage machine makes feelings. Just like when you put different ingredients in a sausage machine to make a sausage, your brain takes different things like what you see, hear and feel, as well as your thoughts. Then just like a sausage machine mixes everything together to make a sausage, your brain mixes all these things together to make your feelings so whatever feelings you put in, will come out. For example, if you put positivity in, positivity will come out!


Please click here to watch our video: Sausage machine video


What makes us happy in school....

Notes taken by Drushti - Positivity Ambassador


Positivity Bookmarks


Charlotte- Positivity Ambassador


In year 5 we made bookmarks with positive messages on then. We covered the bookmarks in vibrant colours. We did this so it catches the eye. Our kind-hearted teachers then laminated our bookmarks so we treasure them forever! These small things can make a big difference in how happy we are. Just by reading a positive note we feel better in ourselves.


Ivanna 5Y - "Every time I'm reading a book and I take a glance at my bookmark it gives me a burst of happiness."



Happy Hampers

Year 5 made ‘Happy Harrow Hampers’ to give to people to help brighten their day...

Day Trip

Written by William and Julia - Positivity Ambassadors

Our opinion of the Happy Harrow project 


It’s interesting and fun I like it because it helps people be more positive- Siddhima


It’s very fascinating and it helps people be more happy and positive about themselves -Oliver.

It’s impressive and the day trip was very helpful- Alex

