In year 6, your reading skills will also be developed. This is definitely one of life’s most important skills! We will use this skill every day, all of the time, for the rest of our lives.
We will also promote a true reading for pleasure culture – science has proven that reading relaxes our body, eases our tension and reduces stress. How else can we see the world through many different perspectives or travel around the world, when sat in our classrooms? Children are expected to read each night. We also encourage them to read both fiction and non-fiction. The more that a child reads, the quicker at reading that they become! This will enable them to enjoy what they are reading even more.
The children have a wealth of books to choose from in school: there are books linked to our topic in class, we visit our school library and we have a class library. The children can bring home books from any of these places. Each week, the children’s reading is listened to by one of our year 6 staff members.
We also have a weekly reading comprehension lesson. Please do help the children for these lessons by trying to ask them questions about what they are reading and by helping them to ‘skim’ when they are looking for key words in their text.
The link below has a range of books which are suitable for children in Year 6.