Intent: Our vision for Science
Our aim is to encourage a healthy curiosity in children about our universe, allowing them to develop original ideas and a questioning attitude. Pupils are encouraged to be open-minded and to try and make sense of what they see and find out. Children who think scientifically will learn the techniques of trial and error. Our children learn to solve problems creatively, to question, to seek the truth and to be eager to explore more about how things work. Problem-solving and critical thinking are two of the most important skills children learn in school. We aim to provide opportunities for open-ended activities where pupils can recognise the need for fair testing in investigations. We support pupils in developing the confidence to select and use scientific equipment, collate results and develop the ability to examine, understand and interpret results based on real-life, meaningful evidence. We foster a thirst for learning - exploring “what if” and to bring down the walls of stereotyping that exists in society today. |
Implementation: How we teach Science
At St Teresa’s, Science is taught through a topic-based curriculum, which has been designed and adapted to ensure complete coverage of the National Curriculum objectives and to suit the needs of the pupils within our school. Science is embedded into our understanding of past, present and future of all subject areas. In EYFS, pupils investigate Science as part of ‘Understanding of the World’. EYFS teachers relate the scientific aspects of the children’s work to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals (ELGs). |
Teaching and learning in Science is good due to regular learning walks, lesson observations, work scrutinies and pupil interviews. The curriculum map and cross-curricular approach ensures that children have been taught a broad and complete coverage of Science. The Year 6 Science fair showcases the children’s learning in Science - not just from their current year group but throughout their time at St Teresa’s. |
Curriculum strengths:
Our community & families:
- Links to secondary schools
- Visits from local professionals and businesses.
- Working with other primary schools.
- Experiments to do at home with the family.
Making a difference through the use of role models, broadening all possibilities and smashing through stereotypes in how we teach science.