Year 1
A warm welcome to Year 1. This is an exciting year full of opportunities to Live, Learn and Grow in Jesus. Year 1 is a very important year as it begins the children’s journey into Key Stage One.
Following a careful transition from Reception, children experience a range of learning opportunities in Year 1 and begin the National Curriculum. In Year 1 our goal is to develop skills your child will build upon throughout their education. St Teresa's offers a thematic approach to the curriculum, where we largely teach through topics or themes so that the work pupils do in different subjects is related. A topic usually covers a term or half-term. Additional work is planned in Mathematics, English, Phonics and RE which we teach daily.
Phonics is an important part of Year 1. Children continue to expand their phonics knowledge to develop their proficiency in reading and writing. In June children participate in the Phonics Screening Check which is an informal reading test. Early in the spring term we hold a parents meeting to explain the aim of the Phonics Screening Check and what you can do to help your child.
Throughout the year, we will keep you informed about important dates, upcoming events, and curriculum updates through regular newsletters, parent-teacher meetings, and our school website.
We look forward to a successful year with your children in Year 1 filled with exciting learning opportunities and joy from achieving new skills and knowledge.